My interest & Skills areas

The following are some of my interests & skill areas; Program & Strategy development; Monitoring, Evaluation & Research; Training, Coaching & Mentoring; Participatory M&E Processes; Capacity development in (Log-frame, Most Significant Change Technology, Rights Based Programming; Rights Based Approaches to M&E); Participatory Planning Processes; use of Open Space Technology; Indicator development; documentation & development of Case studies

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creating a Learning Culture

Closely linked to the issues of utilisation of evaluation reports/findings is another pertinent challenge: how can we create a learning culture within our Organisations and among our clients? Evaluation findings are suppose to enhance and promote program quality and learning. However we often find organisations implementing similar projects or interventions even though evaluation findings point otherwise. I have seen NGOs embark on non-sustainable interventions over and over even though results from their own evaluations show that such interventions do not work. How can we as evaluators influence decisions based on our findings? Does our work end once we've submitted our reports or could we do more to support our clients to shape their program direction? Your thoughts and experiences.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Utilising evaluation findings

Most development Organisations spend a lot of resources (financial, time and human) to conduct evaluations and other researches however there are compelling evidence to show that evaluation results are not fully utilised. As development practitioners and Evaluators, how can we contribute to the discussion on 'utilisation of evaluation findings?' Please share your thoughts and experiences